Monday 14 May 2007

A Wonderful Wet Weekend in Wales

I had a fab weekend with my mummy and daddy who have finally been reunited after three long weekends apart. We celebrated by heading out on Sunday despite the horrible weather, starting with Sunday lunch by the sea in Sully and then a tour of the South Wales coast. We watched surfers at Ogmore by the sea and then moved to watch the waves at Southerndown beach. Daddy skimmed some pebbles and I wobbled over the rocks but was very worried about Daddy falling in the sea and kept shouting careful daddy much to my mummy's delight however daddy thinks I am too much like my mum or could it be Grandad Thorndyke !! We then passed lots of sheep - sheep mummy baa at each one and hello sheep, hello cow !! and went to see the famous sand dunes which were apparently where Lawrence of Arabia was filmed ?! according to Richard. We tried to take a family photo but it did not really work !!

We then went to Trecco bay trying to find a static caravan for Nana and Grandad Hughes, Sam, Toby and Josh to stay in - it looked good fun to me and I had a ride on noo noo ! Look forward to blogging again soon xx Hope you like the photos ( ps have you seen mummy's very cool new car !!)

1 comment:

Helen said...

What a clever'nearly' 2 year old you are!!

Looks like you had a great weekend- have mummy and daddy taken you out camping in Aunty Helen's tent yet?

If you come to Oz we'll take you too some much drier beaches here!

Miss you- love you,
Aunty Helen XXX